
10 foods you should eat everyday to maintain overall health

Green tea:
A huge number of studies have shown time and again about how green tea is a potion for weight loss and a healthy life. The leaves of the tea plant are rich in catechins, an antioxidant that will wonderfully protect you against illness. They are also beneficial for weight loss and contain EGCG which amps up the metabolism. Drink no more than 3 cups of green tea a day and feel the difference.
Almonds & Nuts : From keeping your heart healthy to sharpening your memory to controlling your blood sugar levels, is there anything almonds cannot do? Rich in oleic acid that is friendly to the heart and brain, they’re also rich in fibre and protein. Soak a few almonds in water overnight and eat them in the morning. Replace them with those unhealthy chips and wafers for a snack. Your body will be back to its best.

Blueberries: Being the most antioxidant-rich berries packed with polyphenols, Blueberries top the charts for healthy food everywhere in the world. Blueberries are anti-carcinogenic, help against diabetes mellitus and memory problems related to old age. Also rich in fibre and vitamins A and C that boost the cardiovascular health, blueberries are must have in your daily diet.
Pulses: Pulses dominate the Indian gastronomical scene by and large. Dal is rich in protein, essential amino acids, potassium, iron, fibre and vitamin B1. Dal such as the moong can be sprouted and eaten as a snack. Dal is famous for controlling blood sugar and cholesterol as well. So, 2 small bowls of dal will replenish your body with all these nutrients. PS. If you have problems related to uric acid, don’t consume dal.
Bell Peppers: Available in green, yellow and red, their colour gives them a distinct density of phytonutrients which are known to prevent a number of diseases. Bell peppers are also full of vitamin C and E which are protective against diseases. A cup of stir-fried or roasted bell peppers would replenish your body with anti-oxidants.
Yogurt: A single cup of yogurt can cover almost 25 per cent of your daily calcium and protein requirement which means more loss of unwanted weight and a better health. Plus it contains body-friendly probiotic bacteria that boost your immunity. It is also a known anti-carcinogen.
Avocados: Avocados contain huge quantities of monosaturated fats that protect you against cholesterol and deplete the concentration of triglycerides in your blood. This lowers your chances of a heart ailment or stroke by default. Moreover, they are also high on the Vitamin B’K’E and fibre. Researchers from Ohio State University found that nutrients taken from avocados were able to stop oral cancer cells, and even destroy some of the pre-cancerous cells.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes, especially the red ones are rich in the antioxidant called lycopene which shields your body against sunburns, bladder, lung, prostate, skin, and stomach cancers, as well as reduces the risk of coronary artery disease. Tomatoes are also enriched with vitamin C and K1, potassium, folate B9 and chlorogenic acid which essentially known to control blood pressure in people who suffer from high blood pressure.
Apples: It is said that an apple day keeps the doctor away. Apples are ores of anti-oxidants which fight free radicals in your body and irons. Apples have anti-aging properties and enhance the lifespan of a person. Researchers at Florida State University, in their study, found that older women who started a regime of eating apples daily experienced a 23 percent drop in levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and a 4 percent rise in good cholesterol (HDL) after just 6 months.
Quinoa: It is the only plant food that is an out and out protein. This is obviously a great piece of information for vegetarians who are looking for their daily dose of protein. Touted as the future grain of future quinoa contains almost twice as much fibre as most other grains, iron, lysine, magnesium, riboflavin (B2). It also has a high content of manganese. Replace your white rice with quinoa and see the difference.

What is the truth regarding the benefits of the Fenugreek seeds?

Popularly known as methi, Fenugreek is a choice herb that’s been touted for its many benefits that range from reducing cholesterol and diabetes to soothing heart burns, and everything in between. Apart from using the leaves to make a delicious aloo-methi subzi or grinding the yellow seeds to add flavour, Fenugreek has a range of associated benefits that makes it a must-have ingredient in every household.

1. Rich in Protein
Ever wonder why your grandmother always mentioned methi, right after she brushed your hair. Rich in protein and nicotinic, Fenugreek is something of a wonder ingredient. It’s extremely effective in fighting hair-fall, dandruff, thinning hair, and is great for those who are experiencing a salt-and-pepper look thanks to premature ageing. So, the next time you need a hair spa, apply a mask of fenugreek paste and see the difference. Make it a routine, and you can reap the wonders of healthy, luscious hair.
2. Lowers Cholesterol
The University of Michigan Health System found an interesting correlation between cholesterol and the intake of fenugreek. Fenugreek helps reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL) also known as bad cholesterol. By reducing cholesterol in the blood stream, fenugreek effectively reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
3. Fights Blood Sugar
The presence of galactomannan, a natural fiber in Fenugreek helps fight diabetes. It induces the production of insulin and slowly releases it into the bloodstream which helps improve the overall function of the body. Fenugreek is commonly added to diets prescribed to diabetes patients. However, diabetic patients who are on insulin should first consult with their doctor before making a diet change.
4. Aids in Digestion
Are you prone to mild discomfort or acid reflux churning in your stomach? You need fenugreek! It’s the perfect solution for indigestion or gastritis. Rich in fiber and antioxidants, fenugreek acts as a digestive that improves metabolism and flushes out harmful toxins. It’s also extremely effective in treating conditions of stomach ulcers and stomach pain. Other research has also found fenugreek to be very effective in treating heartburns and soothing gastrointestinal inflammation. A cup of fenugreek tea a day can keep the stomach ailments at bay.
5. Prevents Cancer
Various studies have shown fenugreek to be associated with alleviating and preventing cancer. Fenugreek has estrogenic and anti-carcinogenic properties which help fight against certain cancers such as prostate, pancreatic, breast cancer, and particularly colon cancer. Elements such as saponins and mucilage present in Fenugreek helps bind toxins and flush them out while the high fiber content naturally lowers cholesterol and protects the mucous membrane in the colon.

Are eggs good for you? If so, what are the health benefits?

So as you enjoy your next delicious omelet, snack on a deviled egg or top your burger with a fried egg, remember these 10 health benefits of the glorious egg:

1. A Nutritious Treat

It’s not surprising that eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet since one whole egg has all the nutrients needed to transform a single cell into a baby chicken.

One large boiled egg contains:

    Vitamins A, B5, B12, D, E, K, B6

It also has 77 calories, six grams of protein and five grams of healthy fats. Omega-3 enriched and pastured eggs are even better to consume.

2. What About Cholesterol?

Yes, it’s true that eggs are high in cholesterol — a single egg has 212 mg, which is over two-thirds of the daily intake of 300 mg. However, eggs don’t raise cholesterol at all for about 70 percent of people. Cholesterol in the diet doesn’t necessary raise cholesterol in the blood. In the other 30 percent, who are called “hyper responders”, eggs can mildly raise total and LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol.

3. Eggs Raise the Good Cholesterol

Eating eggs leads to elevated levels of HDL (High-density lipoprotein), which is also known as the “good” cholesterol. People who have higher HDL levels have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and other health issues. According to one study, eating two eggs a day for six weeks increased the HDL level by 10 percent.

4. Say Goodbye to Bad Cholesterol

Eating eggs regularly can change the pattern of LDL patterns from small and dense LDL (aka bad cholesterol) to large LDL (harmless), which lowers the risk of heart disease.

5. Get Some Choline

Choline is a water-soluble vitamin that is often grouped with the B vitamins. It’s used to build cell membranes and helps produce signaling molecules in the brain. Surveys have shown that about 90 percent of people in the U.S. are not getting the recommended amount of this important nutrient. Eating a single egg daily will do the job since it contains over 100 mg of choline.

6. Healthy Eyes

As we get older, we need to take better care of our eyes. Egg yolks contain large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, helpful antioxidants that help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular generation in the eyes. Eggs are also high in vitamin A, which is also beneficial for eye health.

7. Some Eggs Are Better for You

Omega-3 helps in reducing triglycerides, which are a type of lipid fat in the blood. That’s why eating Omega-3 enriched and pastured eggs are a good way of reducing these bad lipids. (F.Y.I, if your triglyceride level is below 150, you’re doing well; 150-199 is borderline high; 200-499 is high, and 500 and above is considered very high.)

8. Get Enough Proteins and Amino Acids

Getting enough protein in our diets is an important way of helping our body’s health. Each egg contains about 6 grams of protein as well as all the helpful amino acids. Getting our share of protein for the day can help with weight loss, increase muscle mass, lower blood pleasure and help our bones as well.

9. Not Bad for the Heart

Despite what was believed in previous decades, there is no direct link between egg consumption and heart disease or stroke. However, some studies show that people with diabetes who eat eggs increase their chance of heart disease. People who follow a low-carb diet and eat eggs, have less chance of developing heart disease.

10. A Filling Meal

You might have noticed that eating eggs for breakfast keeps your stomach full, so that you won’t have to eat a lot of snacks between meals. That’s because of their high-protein content and their ability to induce feelings of fullness, which leads to less desire to intake more calories. In a recent study, replacing a bagel breakfast with an egg breakfast resulted in significant weight loss over a period of two months.

What are the health benefits of taking probiotics?

Bacteria are a bigger part of our lives and bodies than we would imagine. About 100 trillion microorganisms are found in a normal and healthy bowel. Most of them are helpful, being essential for digestion, fighting against harmful bacteria or contributing to immune function.
Probiotics are live bacteria which live in the digestive system and keep it healthy. They can also be found in foods and supplements. The word “probiotics” comes from the Greek language, meaning “for life”, referring to the supporting role these bacteria have for the digestive system’s health.
The World Health Organization defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.”
How do probiotics help our health?
Most frequently reported benefits of probiotics include:
  • improve intestinal health
  • treat irritable bowel syndrome
  • help treating inflammatory bowel disease
  • ameliorate symptoms of lactose intolerance
  • help handling cases of diarrhea caused by antibiotics treatments
  • support treatment of certain intestinal infections (most common of which is caused by rotavirus), reducing the duration of diarrhea
  • protect children against food allergies and atopic dermatitis
Other possible health benefits of probiotics, which require more research and evidence, are:
  • decrease cancer incidence
  • prevent coronary heart disease
  • prevent and treat vaginal and urinary tract infections
Benefits of probiotics go beyond physical health though, as gut microbiota is linked to brain function.
A study made in Netherlands in 2015 showed that a probiotic supplement taken for a period of four weeks decreased depression sensitivity, improving mood and helping people to deal better with sad emotions.
In 2016, Health Canada, the agency that approves the use of foods in Canada, declared that a particular probiotic product helps manage anxiety and mood, also reducing stress-related gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain and nausea.
There are many types of bacteria classified as probiotics, each with different benefits, but most probiotics come from two groups:
Lactobacillus -it is found in yogurt and other fermented foods and can help with diarrhea and with lactose intolerance.
Bifidobacterium - also found in some dairy products. It contributes to treating irritable bowel syndrome and other problems.
Side effects of probiotics are rare and most healthy people can include aliments that contain probiotics in their diet. Taking supplements of probiotics should be first discussed with the doctor, who can choose the right type of probiotics for you. Side effects of probiotics include bloating, diarrhea, upset stomach or allergic reactions. If these symptoms occur, stop taking the supplements and talk to a doctor. Supplements of probiotics are not recommended to people with immune system problems or severe health conditions.

How can I have a high protein & low carbs /fat Indian diet?

The truth is reducing your weight has hardly ever been easy. Many persons start their change journey from excess fat to fit with sheer passion and energy. But as they get deeper to the roots of diet and training, they have almost run out of zeal and determination.
While others who tend to stick for a long duration of a rigid diet and rigorous workout have hardly any clue on how to maintain the shape they have achieved. And once they get off the track, there’s no way they are returning to rigid diet plans.
The Low-Carb Indian Diet Plan to Lose Weight
One word - It works. Put just, when you consume fewer calories than you spend, your body seems to burn your excess fat stores, and you start to drop excess weight (along with some muscle tissue).
Low-Carb Diets are very likely to succeed and provide you with the results you always dreamt about. However, just when you are not allowed to eat much does not mean you can munch on junk foods and wait for good results.
You should always opt for a balanced diet that includes sufficient proportion of vitamins, minerals, fibers and other essential nutrients.
An Ideal 1200 Calorie Indian Diet for Vegetarians
Breakfast - 1 bowl oatmeal or dairy + 1 medium size banana or 10 grapes
Total Calories - 264
Lunch - 2 slice of whole wheat bread + 1 cup chickpeas + ½ cup carrots + ½ cup non-fat cheese
1 cup salad with avocado, carrots, tomato, and leafy greens + ½ cup black bean soup + ½ cup Greek yogurt, unsweetened (add to soup and spoon some beans onto the chapatis) + 1 chapatis.
Total Calories - 370
Snacks - 1 cup tea + 1 bowl poha
Total Calories - 220
Dinner - Brown Rice 2 cup + 1 bowl mixed veggies + 1 bowl salad + 1 small bowl Raita
Total Calories - 350
An Ideal 1800 Calorie Indian Diet for Vegetarians
Early Morning - 1 cup of warm tea or 1 cup skimmed milk + 1 small methi (fenugreek) parantha
Breakfast - 1 bowl curd or 2 glass of buttermilk + 2 bowls poha 0r two bowl oats + 2 egg whites or 25g paneer + 1 small size fruit + 1 tablespoon oil/butter
Snacks - 1 medium size apple/orange or medium slice of papaya
Lunch - 3 medium chapatis + 1 bowl cooked rajma (red kidney beans) + 2 bowl mix vegetable salad + 1 bowl curd + 2 tablespoon oil
Snacks - 1 cup of coffee or warm tea + 2 cream cracker biscuits
Dinner - 2 medium chapattis + 1 bowl soybean nuggets + 1 bowl cooked vegetables + 1 bowl salad + ½ cup mixed slice fruit + 2 tablespoon oil/butter
Bedtime - 1 cup of milk or 1 bowl of curd
A common low-calorie diet can be based on the concept of counting total calories consumed irrespective of its source. So, as long as you stay near to 1200 calories a day, you can eat whatever you wish.
One major advantage of following a low to very low-calorie diet can be that now you don’t need to indulge in heavy workout sessions daily. Just a couple of total body workout or even aerobic sessions would do fine for your excess weight loss goals.

What are some good protein recipes to get fit and be healthy?

Going on a high-protein diet may help you tame your hunger, which could help you lose weight.
You can try it by adding some extra protein to your meals. Give yourself a week, boosting protein gradually.
Remember, calories still count. You'll want to make good choices when you pick your protein.
If you plan to add a lot of protein to your diet, or if you have liver or kidney disease, check with your doctor first.
The Best Protein Sources
Choose protein sources that are nutrient-rich and lower in saturated fat and calories, such as:
  • Lean meats
  • Seafood
  • Beans
  • Soy
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
It's a good idea to change up your protein foods. For instance, you could have salmon or other fish that's rich in omega-3s, beans or lentils that give you fiber as well as protein, walnuts on your salad, or almonds on your oatmeal.
How much protein are you getting? Here's how many grams of protein are in these foods:
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese: 10-14g
3 ounces tofu, firm: 7-13g
1/2 cup cooked lentils: 9g
2 tablespoons natural-style peanut butter or almond butter: 6-8g
3 oz skinless chicken breast: 25g
3 oz fish fillet (depending on type of fish): 17-20g
1 ounce cheese: 7g
1/2 cup cooked kidney beans: 7g
1 ounce nuts: 4-7g
1 large egg: 6g
4 ounces low-fat plain yogurt: 6g
4 ounces soy milk: 5g
4 ounces low-fat milk: 4g
Carbs and Fats
While you're adding protein to your diet, you should also stock up on "smart carbs" such as:
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Beans and legumes (both also have protein)
  • Low-fat milk and yogurt (both have protein)
Also try healthy fats such as:
  • Nuts and natural-style nut butters
  • Seeds
  • Olives
  • Extra virgin olive oil and canola oil
  • Fish
  • Avocados
To help manage your appetite, it also helps to split your daily calories into four or five smaller meals or snacks.

What are some evening snacks which are healthy?

Healthy food items means full of protein, less sugary, easy to digest and most important Tummy Filler!
Here is a list of some food items
Dry Roasted Chana: The long lasting snack and perfect for 4:00pm Tea break at offices.
Roasted Peanut (With less amount of salt)
Sprouts : It can take with dressing of lemon, oregano, chili flakes, black papper etc. Sprouts are the kind of Protein
Salad: In this category, we have never ending different combination of veggies with different dressing.
Diet Khakhra : This is too healthy food and perfect tummy filler.
Sweet Corn (Boiled sweet corn with little bit of butter is healthy snack. Sweet corn is loaded with fiber. For a change you can take it as spicy, chat-pata salad)
Mixed Nuts: Healthy & Filling, you can pick your favorite ones. I go by almonds & peanuts. Go for a handful. Aim to eat moderately.
Fruits: Summers are here. Melons (and watermelons) are great for the little room in your stomach. An apple or an Orange make it to my preferred ones though. You can even mix them up for a Fruit Salad!
Sandwiches: A simple sandwich with your favorite veggies, can do the task. Be creative enough, to suit your taste buds.   

What is the medical insurance?

Insurance is nothing but risk protection, in the same way health insurance is the pure protection of one’s health. It is grouped under Life insurance. It is being provided by most of the insurance companies in India. Similar to Term policy this one also pure risk protection, if you get any disease it can be used or else this policy will be of no use, let us see how this is very essential in today’s world.
Need for Health or medical Insurance
If we keep ourselves in good health condition, one may presume no need of this policy, but you may not know the daily risk which may result in serious injuries all of a sudden. The increase in medical inflation may not be known to you unless someone close to has been cured for any ailment. Medical inflation is very rapid and Government has not stepped in to reduce it or provide an alternate for this. It had increased and continuously increasing at a rate of 15 to 20%. Therefore it is best to keep this policy as a friend. Even a close friend may not be able to help you with the money during his difficult times, but this friend i.e health insurance will be of great help which will help you in getting out of hospital easily.
Whether you agree or not, our food habits had changed tremendously from what we have been having to what we have been offered nowadays. It is just that we have been running in fast lane from Monday to Friday and we just grab the food half heartedly in the run to office and gorge food rapidly in the half an hour gap for lunch to work again. Not to miss the dinner parties and office lunches were we show who we are in having sumptuous meal. This irregular food habits will show us the world of medicines to have in our mid thirties. Our parent had started taking the medicines from their fifties and sixties but we have been getting to the world of hypertension and diabetes right from thirties and some even in early twenties. These two are serious threats which may lead you to other medical complications easily. Are you saying you are healthy inspite of having this lifestyle, hold on as you may not how your body will behave once the breakeven point is reached?
This is not to frighten you and make you seriously ill, it is just to make you understand how serious medical complications may be if not attended on time.
Benefits of health insurance
  • Most of the insurance companies offer 24 hour day care treatment also which will be of great help.
  • Ambulance cover is provided nowadays
  • Second opinion can be sought if we have doubt with the first medical checkup as it may help in unwanted spending.
  • Pre natal and post natal hospitalization cover is provided.
  • Room rent, doctor fees, surgery fees, medical bills etc will be covered with this single policy.
  • In some of the companies free medical checkup is allowed once in a year as add on benefit.
  • A two year policy will have a reduced premium and protect you from increase in price of premium due to inflation.
Even day care treatments are accepted in many of the policies based on doctor’s advice as many of the laser surgery are getting completed within hours and people are asked to leave hospital immediately.


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