
5 Natural Blood Thinning Foods To Reduce Blood Clots And The Risk Of Stroke

Did you know that there are some foods that we can eat to improve our blood circulation and prevent many heart diseases?  There are many blood thinning foods that are known to reduce the risk of clotting. But, before we talk about the variety of natural blood thinning foods, it is imperative to understand what blood clotting is and how it affects our body?

Blood clotting is a normal yet complex process which is known to prevent bleeding when there is an injury or a cut in our body. However, some times when blood clots form in some critical parts of our body like heart, lung or brain, which if not treated in time, can cause serious complications.

Here are 5 natural blood thinners to reduce blood clots and the risk of stroke:

1. Ginger

One of the best ways to add ginger to your diet is to begin your morning with tasty ginger tea. Research says that sipping ginger tea is quite beneficial and may cure many health problems. And, when it comes to blood thinning, ginger is known to reduce inflammation and further relaxes the muscles. Who knew that a single cup of ginger tea can do wonders for your health.

2. Cayenne Peppers

Cayenne peppers are power-packed with properties that help in thinning our blood. And, the credit goes to salicylates, which are found in high amount in cayenne peppers. Adding cayenne peppers to our daily diet, in the form of capsules or in the food, could lower your blood pressure and increase circulation.

3. Salmon

It is said that foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna and trout are one of the best blood thinning foods. It is mainly because omega-3 fatty acids help lower the cholesterol levels in our body. Moreover, they are known to reduce the chances of clotting in the blood.

4. Red Wine

Many experts and nutritionists believe that drinking a glass of red wine every day may help prevent heart diseases, as red wine is known to have properties that help in thinning the blood and further preventing clogged arteries. And, we know how much you fancy drinking red wine, so don't just get carried away and stick to only one glass a day!

5. Cinnamon

We add cinnamon to enhance the taste and fragrance of our dish or drink, especially when added to tea, it tastes bliss. But, did you know that it is a powerful anti-coagulant? Cinnamon is capable of lowering blood pressure and relieving inflammatory conditions. This may reduce the chances of having a stroke. However, long-term consumption of cinnamon may cause liver damage, therefore, make sure you use this spice sparingly.
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Foods you should avoid eating before a workout

Dietitians advise that you eat a snack at least thirty minutes prior to any workout. The ideal pre-workout snack contains both protein and carbohydrates to give you the energy you need and the muscle support to last your full session.

Some examples of good pre-workout snacks are a slice of toast with peanut butter, oatmeal with half a banana, or some fruit and crackers.

But if you ingest the wrong thing, you could be setting yourself up for an unproductive and, frankly, painful experience once you get to your workout. Trust us, you want to avoid these foods if you're planning to work out.


If you're going to the gym after work, maybe just sip some water during happy hour. And if you're already feeling intoxicated you should probably just skip your workout entirely. Seriously, don't pregame for the gym. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning that it can make you really dehydrated.


Almonds are high in fat, which is actually the reason why they're great for you. But this, along with their tough, fibrous exterior, makes them hard to digest and a likely cause for stomach pain during your workout. Save them for afterwards, when you'll need healthy fats and proteins to refuel.


While they do have the carbohydrates you're looking for, apples are highly acidic and fibrous — a digestion nightmare. The fruit is high in pectin, a fiber that's great for you, but unfortunately a common culprit of slowed digestion and bloating.


They're a really popular protein source for vegans and vegetarians, but they're not the best choice if you don't want to stink up your gym. Bean burgers, bean soups, or anything made with beans is bound to make you gassy— it's the natural side effect of digesting beans' fiber compounds.  


They're crunchy, they're delicious, and they're greasy. Not what you want when you want to get your body moving. Plus, chips are not advisable for snacking on often, due to the fact that they're low in nutritional value. They don't have any protein to speak of and are often packed with chemical additives.  

Flax seeds

These tiny seeds are far more valuable than their size implies— they have tons of fiber in a small serving. However, the fiber can cause digestive strain for up to two hours after you consume it. So unless you have a large window of time before you step foot in your gym, hold the seeds for another time.  

Fried foods

You know how after eating something fried you get that feeling where you just have to lie down? Yeah, that's not what you want when you're trying to motivate yourself to get moving. The high fat content is the culprit behind this phenomenon, alongside the processed ingredients normally used in fried foods. Stick to low fat and all natural foods before you sweat. 

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Yoga For Busy Moms .. Just 3 Poses

If you're a mom, yoga can seem like the last thing you want or are able to do, but seriously, the practice and these poses will make a world of difference in how you feel and manage your day and mood. While motherhood can be one of the most rewarding and wonderful experiences, it also presents its series of challenges. It can be easy to prioritize everything and everyone else before yourself as a mother, but if you can make an effort to stay lighthearted and treat your body well, the ups and downs of motherhood may come with more ease, allowing you to stay present to fully experience all the moments of being a mom.

Here are the top three go-to moves to stretch out sore muscles and stay focused,and calm:

1. Triangle Pose

  1. Step leg’s length apart and turn your right foot forward 90 degrees and your left foot forward 45 degrees.
  2. With straight legs, hinge toward your right side as far as you can go before placing your hand on your right foot, ankle, shin, or below the knee.
  3. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths, come up to stand, and and switch sides.

2. Eagle Pose

  1. Stand with feet together and bend your knees enough to pick up the right leg and cross it high over the left thigh.
  2. Wrap the foot behind the left calf or place it on the floor just outside the calf.
  3. Take your arms and wrap the left arm under the right, double cross at the elbows, and press the palms together (back of palms if they don’t reach).
  4. Scoop in the abs and come forward, gazing down the fingers. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths and switch sides.

3. Headstand Pose

  1. Come down onto your shins and place your elbows on the floor with your hands clasped.
  2. Place the crown of your head at your wrist creases, and press firmly down into your elbows and forearms. Walk your feet in as close as you can.
  3. When you can’t go any farther, bend your knees into your armpits and slowly lift the legs up to the ceiling from this egg shape.
  4. Hold as long as you feel comfortable and can keep the weight supported in your upper body (not too much pressure on the head). Even just coming into the egg shape can be enough for you to reap all of the benefits of this pose.


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What are the best foods to eat when you want to lose weight?

While no one food is a magic bullet for weight loss, there are certain foods that can help you achieve your weight-loss goals. Most of the foods included as part of a weight-loss diet have a few things in common: they're high in fiber (which helps keep you feeling fuller longer) and have a low energy density—meaning that you can eat a decent-sized portion without overdoing it on calories.
1. AvocadosAvocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, potassium and phytochemicals. People who eat avocados tend to have lower BMI, body weight and waist circumference than people who skip this green superfood, per a study in Nutrition Journal. While avocados are higher in calories than other fruits and vegetables, their satisfying fat and fiber combo may help you slim down. 

2. EggsEggs are rich in high-quality protein, fats and essential nutrients, like vitamin D and choline. It's the protein, and the time of day we tend to eat them, that especially makes them a powerhouse for weight loss. Eating a high-protein breakfast promotes weight loss, because protein increases satiety while regulating hunger and appetite hormones, helping fend off your hunger until lunchtime. 

3. BeansAll beans are high in fiber, which is your friend when you're trying to lose weight because it helps you feel fuller longer, thus controlling hunger. Eating beans and legumes has also been linked with various other health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, reducing LDL cholesterol and reducing risk of cardiovascular disease. 

4. Yogurt
Yogurt is protein-packed and full of probiotics, which are good for gut health and may help your weight-loss efforts. Your gut health can impact your weight, and eating more fiber and probiotics helps keep your gut bacteria happy, which can be good for your metabolism . 

5. Fruit Fruit gets a bad rap sometimes because it naturally contains sugar. But eating fruit can help you lose weight, especially when you swap in fresh fruit for processed foods or other unhealthy snacks. You'll get a naturally sweet treat, plus reap the benefits of fiber and antioxidants. 

6. Almonds 
Almonds are an excellent source of fiber, and they're high in protein. Eating foods with the one-two punch of fiber and protein can help you feel fuller longer—which makes it less tempting to reach for an unhealthy snack between meals.
Rich in vitamin E and a good source of heart-healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats, almonds are a great choice to sprinkle over a salad or side dish.


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